Film & Film sound




Ashes to ashes (2023) Performance/Art film

From Eucalyptus regnans in the Styx forest in Tasmania, to Fraxinus excelsior in Europe, Ashes to Ashes weaves in poetry and tactile sound in an interactive performance with the tree instrument Resonant Bodies.

Poetry, performance: Julia Adzuki

Film & Photo: Tomas Björkdal

THNGS UNTLD (2023) Projections/dans

"What happens if we stand in the gap between what we can and what we cannot decipher?"

"Two dancers investigate how digitization affects our bodies and our gestures take on new meanings in the time paradox of parallel worlds."

Concept, choreography and performer:Ulrika Larsen and Magdi Beky Winnerstam

Composition/sounddesign and video projections: Tomas Björkdal

Photo: Tomas Björkdal

Timescape garden (2023) Documentation

Timescape Garden is a biodiversity micropark on Norrköping’s Syltenberget, a forested hill surrounded by industry. The garden will hopefully function as a biocentric civic space—a space of appearance of nonhuman beings to human beings. The presence, traces, and tracks of nonhuman beings should be strongly sensed here.

Concept, dancer, choreographer: Anna Asplind

Live concert, multichannel sound improvisation: Tomas Björkdal

Video projection: Tomas Björkdal

Film/Photo:Tomas Björkdal

Timescape Garden (2023) Dance/performance film

The cultural night of Norrköping at the Timescape garden, Syltenberget.

Inspired by the project of making a biodiversity micropark/wildflower garden on Norrköping’s Syltenberget.

Dancer: Anna Asplind

Video projection: Tomas Björkdal

Film/Photo:Tomas Björkdal

Art's Birthday (2020-2024) Documentation x4

2020 Art’s Birthday will be celebrated in the old Watertower.

2021 In celebration of Art's Birthday, Ljudtornet goes underground in Alsgruvan, sending sound and light resonance from the old mine.

2022 A dirt road. A long slope down to the bridge, crossing the water where one lake flows into the next. A passage; a mirror.

 2023 Art installation with micro-jam. See the world with new glasses.

2024 Art's Birthday is celebrated with an hour of sound jam at Vårdinge kapell

Film & Photo: Tomas Björkdal

Naturen tar över, Österängens Konsthall  (2020) Documentation

In the project Nature takes over, Österängens Art gallery combing the skills of a number of professional artists with the knowledge of biological diversity and ecological sustainability found in the association

Biosfärområde Östra Vätterbranterna.

Koncept: SymbioLab (Julia Adzuki och Patrick Dallard)

Film & Photo: Tomas Björkdal

ANTENN sound Art Festival (2019-2022) Documentation x4

ANTENN 2019 opens the water tower's unique sound environment for acoustic meetings with the theme of listening, sounding, playing, co-creating.

ANTENN 2020 Sound waves lament. In this theme of water is of course our tears, the clouds and ice, and flow.

ANTENN 2021 The idea is to create composition through de-composition - a process of decomposition and transformation.

ANTENN 2022 we challenge ourselves to stretch our antennas in listening to micro and macro cosmos.

Film & Photo: Tomas Björkdal

The Shit Project (2021) Documentation

The Shit Project is a collaboration between seven artists from Fungus Kingdom studios in Gnesta and four researchers from Uppsala University who work with research on sewage, treatment plants and food waste in the project "Waste Values".

Participating artists:

Patrick Dallard, Lisa Jeannin, Tomas Björkdal, Johanna Törnqvist, Rolf Schuurmans, David Carmel och Julia Adzuki.

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Mold Memory in a golden box (2020) Trailer

Through the performance Memory in a golden boxwe want to bring together personal stories withartistic scenic expressions and meetings between people in order to create a specificperformance that invites both new memories, processed memories and forgotten memories.

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Roten & Auriel KTH Reaktorhallen (2020) Documentation

A birch tree's root system, extended and entangled with copper pipes, played by opening and closing valves.

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Solkatter (2019) Documentation

Solkatter (“Suncats”; reflections of the sun) is a critical, artistic intervention taking the form of a picnic blanket. The blanket is placed like a reflection above a room that lies 50 meters underground in the archives of Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm: The so-called Nelly Sachs-rummet (The Nelly Sachs Room).

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

URKarnas värld (Urkopplad) (2020) Art & music film

Art film and later on a performance at KTH Reaktorhallen, Stockholm

The art project originates in Björn Wallsten's research and doctoral thesis,

The urk world : hibernating infrastructures and the quest for urban mining

Composition, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

20180305 On The Isle (2018) Performance/Dance film

Fimed at Långsjö Teater.

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Kommer himlen alltid vara blå? (2017) Trailer

20 000 m2 choreographed GPS place specific sound installation with headphones. at Mostigshällarna, Söderhamn

Swedish Prison Museum Gävle

Past and present intertwine, history is actualized and creates connections in time and space. The work raises questions about ideologies, beliefs, fears of the unknown and state violence, but also a dream of a hostel and a lookout tower.

Concept, text and voice: Anna Asplind

Composition and sound design: Tomas Björkdal

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

20170306 Subtitled (2017) Art & music film

Do we really have the right subtitles?

Composition, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

20150901 Project Precious Trash - Trailer

Live-composition with guitars and amplifiers.

Antenn Sound Art Festival, Ljudtornet Gnesta

Live-composition: Tomas Björkdal

Video art: Tomas Björkdal (one of Ljudtornets artistic directors)

Film/Photo: Tomas Björkdal

Project Precious Trash (2015) Trailer

A project about clothes and consumption by Johanna Törnqvist.

Music, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Ecological spheres (2015) Projection/art film

Filmed at the Biological Museum, Stockholm

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Somna sov (2014) Trailer

Performance, Skogen

"Have a seat. Please lie down. Feel free to sleep."

"Sömnen är på en gång det mest utsatta av tillstånd och en politisk handling, en provokation och en ofrånkomlig del av vår natur. Sömnen påminner om en cyklisk tillvaro, som en modern och rationell samtid vill övervinna, och bjuder därmed motstånd mot ett instrumentellt förnuft och en konsumism utan gränser." - Jesper Olsson

Concept: Mold

Composition and sound design: Tomas Björkdal (part of Mold)

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

En skönhet klär i allt (2009) Trailer

Necklace: Johanna Törnqvist

Music, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Chasin' the bird (2006) Art film

A comment on the bird flu.

Composition, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Styx Lament (2019) Documentary

Exhibition at Moonah Art Centre with Julia Adzuki & Patrick Dallard.

Styx Lament is a performance ritual that took place in clear-felled and old-growth forest in the Styx Valley, Lutruwita / Tasmania, in November 2019

Concept: Julia Adzuki

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Love walks (2019) Trailer

Place specific performance with headphones

Love walks is a choreographed walk outdoors in the city.

We are guided through inner rooms and through rooms for meeting others.

In specific situations around love, we examine together what love can be and how love can arise.

Concept: Mold

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdall

Subtree (2019) Projection/sound video

A new world inside the old.

Composition, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Lost in communication - communication lost (2019)

Art film/Trailer

A performance/installation on consumption and communication,

as well as consumption of communication.

Music, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Kärrkosmos (2018) Trailer

Choreographed place specific sound installation with headphones.

By camouflaging themselves in the swamp, the participant gets to investigate the flora and fauna as well as all the swamp's mysterious sounds and movements. We ask whether, by camouflaging oneself as an animal, an insect or a plant, one can approach nature and challenge the perspectives that give man dominion over nature. In a time of climate challenges, we unite artistic, scientific and philosophical perspectives in a choreographed sound installation.

Concept and director:Katja Seitajoki

Composition and sound design: Tomas Björkdal

Film & Photo:Tomas Björkdal

Side effects (2017) Art film

SIDE EFFECTS is a commentary on the ongoing debate on medication for a “normal life”. A ornamentation for the body made out of discarded blisterpacks

Necklace: Johanna Törnqvist

Music, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Near that place (2016) Documentation

Performance at Uferstudios, Berlin

NEAR THAT PLACE is a performance that tries to create its own reality.It takes its origin in the questions of belonging, home and memory in relation to nomadism.What does it mean to belong to a place, an environment, a social context when mobility has become the norm?

Concept: Daniel Almgren Rec'en and Johan Forsman

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Project Precious Trash (2015) Documentary

A project about clothes and consumption by Johanna Törnqvist.

Music, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

M M M Mat Mata Matas (2015) Documentation

Place specific performance with headphones

M M M is a choreographed walk outdoors through the forrest.

M M M - Mat Mata Matas is an choreographed outdoor performance that takes place at dusk. "I am guided through the forest. I attend the performance. I will be shown care during my visit. I will be in the forest and I will be part of the forest.

I know that M M M is about food. I will be fed. I'm ready."

Concept: Mold

Film & photo: Tomas Björkdal

Vingklippt (2014) Art film

Necklace: Johanna Törnqvist

Composition, film & photo: Tomas Björkdall

Once apon a time (2014) Art film

Things are not what they seams to be...

Composition, film & photo: Tomas Björkdal